Wide Angle View of DIET
Exam Hall
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District Institute of Education and Training (DIET)


About D.I.E.T.

diet principal

DISTRICT INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING, ( DIET ), KARIMGANJ DIET, Karimganj started in 1995 in the campus of BTC, Kaljganj, Karimganj . Now the DIET is running in its own building at Kaliganj, Karimganj. “DIET Karimganj” is committed to provide quality training to the future teachers through pre service teacher education, gathering practical life and experiences and refreshing the knowledge of in-service teachers with the latest innovations in teaching by undertaking action research and developing teachers’ handbook up to....Read more

Principal Desk

diet principal

District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) is a nodal agency for providing academic and resource support at the grassroot level for the success of various strategies and programmes undertaken by the Govt. in different areas of Elementary and Secondary levels of Education with special reference to universalization of Elementary Education as well as the development of Secondary Education. Until the adaptation of NPE 1986, academic and resource support in the area of elementary education were being provided largely at....Read more